Dental Insurance

Willamette Dental Group Myths vs. Reality
September 26, 2017
It’s common with any type of insurance to hear “myths” that simply aren’t the reality. With our recent partnership with Willamette Dental Group fresh in our minds, we want to share two such myths and the realities of dental insurance...

get-benefits Partners with Willamette Dental
September 26, 2017
We are pleased to announce our new partnership with Willamette Dental Group beginning August 1st, 2017 to support our efforts at providing quality & innovative benefit offerings at an affordable price. Willamette Dental has been one of the Northwest’s proactive dental leaders for over 45 years...

No Insurance Card, No Benefits?
August 29, 2016
How many times have you made a doctor’s appointment only to show up without your health/dental/vision I.D. card? Or worse, felt like you could not even schedule your appointment until you had the insurance card in hand?While we are proponents of always being prepared with your insurance card...